International course on facial fracture surgery

Sparsör, Sweden, August 26-28, 2024
Welcome to the fourth International Course on Facial Fracture Surgery
with Human Anatomical Specimens.
The goal of this course is to inspire and encourage both practicing surgeons and surgeons in training to pursue fulfilling careers and create a forum for surgeons who have common interests and enthusiasm in the field of Facial Fracture Surgery. Furthermore, we want our course to be focused on hands on cadaver dissection with expert tutors to guide the participants. Finally, we will have an informal social
program for the participants and tutors together. To make this possible we have:
*An extremely experienced international faculty
*One cadaver head per two dissecting participants
*Dissections with tutors
*State of the art surgical instruments
*We offer 30 participants a full course
*A great social program
The course fee 23 000 SEK + VAT, includes other course literature, lunches, coffee/tea, reception, course dinner and bus transfers from the hotel in Borås to the Education Center in Sparsör. The costs for the hotel accommodation are not
For further information concerning the course content, please
And for notification, hotel etc: